Can I adjust app from iPhone to kindle fire within GS?


If an app has been built for iPhone 5 resolution, can I continue with that and use it as my build for kindle fire using letterpress?
If so, would it work if imported my images at the correct kindle fire size eg 1600 x 2560.
Because if I switch the project to kindle fire in gamesalad it doesn't expand out and means the game would have to be re created.
I no longer wish to publish to apple store, only to the amazon for kindle fires?



  • Tiny_IdeasTiny_Ideas Member Posts: 326
    This is what I am not understanding, I created my game using iPhone portrait.
    I used DeepBlueApps quick re sizer application to make it fit for nook and kindle.
    However this is simple using the camera trick, changing camera and tracking to that of an iPhone.
    So now being 1600x 2560, the scene size is now 320 x 568. So question remains, will creating images five time larger display clearly on kindle hdx? Or this is just messing everything up?

    Also why is it that in GS viewer, it only display a scene as 600 x1004 for a kindle fire? That's only for the first generation kindles and the rest follow a new ratio of 800 x 1280?
    How do I design for that or do I just have to use crop?
  • Tiny_IdeasTiny_Ideas Member Posts: 326
    I am just looking to create a kindle app, that's it. I have been told just to make my own camera size and scene size despite what GS default it too when I preview it. So if this is wrong please say, other wise its off to create a portrait version of the 800x1280 kindle in a GS version of 600x1004

  • jigglybeanjigglybean Member Posts: 1,584
    You wont need to recode an entire game, just resize what you have and it should be ok.

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  • Tiny_IdeasTiny_Ideas Member Posts: 326
    @jigglybean that's what I meant, but that can take a lot because everything is mostly done by tables and positions.
    Can you PM a lost of your kindle games so I can check them out to say thanks for your help
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