Game Salad trying to start working with it...

Hi I am trying to get Game Salad set up with my developr account. I bought a book titled "Lean GameSalad for iOS: Game Development for iPhone, iPad, HTML5."

I am stuck in the middle of "Getting the GameSalad iOS Viewer."

This section states that I need to install the developer certificate in my keychain.
I used the keyword assistant to create a "certificate signing request." I'll have sections of the book in quotes from now on.


"Open your web browser and go to the Developer Member Center ( and then click the iOS Provisioning Portal. At this stage, you should have not have any certificates. Check this by clicking the Certificate menu on the left side and verifying that there is no Development or Distribution certificate."

I actually have certificates for other games that my programmers have made for me. I don't know if this messes up the process?

"Download the WWDR intermediate certificate, as this certificate is required to be installed in your keychain"

I can't find this WWDR link.

"Under the Development tab in Certificate, click the Request a Certificate option."

I successfully did this.

"Go to the Distribution tab and do the exact same thing."

Ok there is no distribution tab under certificates. There is one that is in the provisioning section though. Is this where I create the distribution certificate?

This is where I am currently stuck. Thanks for any help


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