Prompting for Text Input Does Crazy Things to Actor Images (on Android Device)

bryanearlbryanearl Wasilla, AlaskaMember, PRO Posts: 49
I am using the latest version of Windows Creator.

So, I have my game up and running very smooth and am just working out a couple bugs before I release it on Android. One thing that is driving me crazy is this...

1. When player clicks BUY button to buy items, it prompts them to enter the amount with keyboard input. The keyboard input functions and rules work as intended, and they successfully purchase whatever.

2. Now, from that point forward, CRAZY things start happening to actors all over the scene. Sometimes the images are skewed horribly and can not make them out, sometimes actors images are replaced by other random actor images, sometimes the actor images are just replaced by a solid black alpha. The game is unplayable at that point.

3. If you change scenes and come back, everything is absolutely perfect until the next time the player buys or sells (and is prompted with the keyboard input).

4. My "workaround" for this is to insert a rule on the purchase/sell confirmation buttons that changes the scene back to itself, essentially "resetting" the scene and reloading the graphics.

This issue is not present while previewing the game in the creator and was only seen after installing the game on an Android device. While the workaround does technically work, it takes about 7 seconds to reload the scene every time and that really is not ok, considering the game is all about buying and selling.

What can be done to fix the bug? Has anyone else (using the keyboard input functions) had the same issue?


  • bryanearlbryanearl Wasilla, AlaskaMember, PRO Posts: 49
    bump... Any thoughts?
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    I haven't had the same issues, but I have had issues with the Keyboard input function. Basically customers have been reporting to me some what frequently that when they click done in that function that it takes them back to the main menu which screws with my game. The thing they were trying to name doesn't get named. I've looked all over in my code to see if it was in there, but I can't find anything. The code that function is in is pretty straight forward and functions as it should on most, but sometimes (not sure if it is a device issue) it causes the game to crash back to the main menu.

    I've submitted this to GS, but they couldn't replicate the problem so at this point I just have hopes that it gets fixed by accident in their rework or something. Not much else I can do. Maybe they should consider taking a hard look at the Keyboard input function cause the problems could have some sort of relation somewhere.
  • bryanearlbryanearl Wasilla, AlaskaMember, PRO Posts: 49
    So, just an FYI, I ended up removing all "text-input" from my game and replaced it instead with "+" and "-" buttons for the player to select their quantities. I would have liked to use the text input functions, but it caused way too many problems on too many devices.
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