Can anyone help" - can not upload my file due to an Expired Profile, and I fixed...
My provisioning profile had expired and I created a new one with the corresponding Apple id downloaded to my computer.
When uploading using the Application loader I am receiving the following attached error:
I have been trying to fix since early this morning.
When uploading using the Application loader I am receiving the following attached error:
I have been trying to fix since early this morning.
Try using google. It can help with many things.
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Xcode--> Preferences --> Accounts --> View Details... --> Scroll down your provisioning profiles and make sure it is there and isn't expired.
Also make sure when you publish that you are selecting the correct one.
thanks for comments, much appreciated. Iam trying Fallacy comment now. If it works I hope it helps others. Also Jesse 75, yes I had done. that.
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