Requirements for developing an app
Hey! Im new to the GameSalad website and community. Since I was just introduced to the idea without any further information I was wondering If someone be able to help me out on some questions I had about the website.One of my first questions that I wanted to ask was if the development of the first app on this website will have to be paid for. Also, looking through the website I see that they are always talking about Macintosh Computers. Do we NEED Apple computers to make the games?
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You do NOT need to have an apple computer to create games or to publish to everything except Apple IOS. If you want to publish to Apple devices, then you must do that via an Apple computer. Everything else (Windows, Android, Kindle, etc) you can do with a Windows PC.
You can publish from a service that provides a remote mac online for cheap, don't need to buy one.
- Thomas
Also gamesalad is most based on apple so the gamesalad updates on apple computers are much better and faster then on windows. O think gamesalad on apple computers is begter then on windows
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