Saving Help
Hi, I am almost finished with my game and it (of course) ends up giving players a high score for their achievements. I can save the high score within the app so that when the user goes to the menu and then goes back to high scores it will still be there but if they exit the app all saved data disappears! This is a major part of my app so please give me beginners instructions on how to save when app is quit and bring info back up when it is opened again. Thanks to any help!
Then when you want to save a high score or something, when the level is over, make sure you put in "save attribute" key: highscore (make sure the spelling for the key is the exact same as the attribute, upper, lowercase etc, you could keep it all in caps to make it easier.
Then wherever you want to load the attribute, wether it's the menu, title screen, score screen, use load attribute with the same key: highscore
Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions
I then made a save attribute and a key.
In the first (splash screen I put the load attribute actor.
The game.bestBankRoll shows up in the display text but the load attribute does not work on the phone.