Making Objects Abide Physics, but Not be Moved by Other Actors
I have a boulder actor in a project, and I have it use the physics engine so it can roll and fall like boulders do, however, I want it to also UNPUSHABLE like a boulder. I don't want my actor to be able to move the boulders. Or be able to throw anything that can move the boulder. I know I can turn off the Movable attribute, but again, I still want it to be able to fall and roll like boulders do in the real world. Does anyone have an idea of what I can do?
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
If you make it REALLY dense, or "Heavy" and other actors are very light, I believe this will accomplish what you are looking for.
Also, boulders arent very bouncy, so turn down "Bouciness".
Friction and drag stuff will mostly be for when in motion, but those might also help you accomplish the over all feeling of a Boulder.
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
Add a rule or two, to the boulder.
When the player is touching the boulder, make it true.
Otherwise, its false.
When its true, Boulder(Self.Physics.Movable = false)
otherwise (Self.Physics.Movable = true)
(you could also constrain its coords, set its velocity to 0, add min(max()) to coords to stop it from moving if your game logic really forbids using Movable. )
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
Having trouble with your game? Sounds like a personal problem.
It would seem you could use that rule he said above, and apply it to everything that shouldn't be able to move the boulder. Players, smaller boulders, clouds..whatever it is, just make the moveable value false when in contact with actor "ground". Something along those lines.