Cannon template question (controlling cannon)

TouchiMediaTouchiMedia Member Posts: 154
edited January 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm creating a game with similar mechanics to the Cannon Template…

I like the cannon controls for the most part -- but what I'm finding to be annoying is that if I want to move it slightly from current position, I have to touch in relation to the direction it's already facing in order to tweak it subtly without moving the cannon directly to the position I touch.

As it is now - say I move cannon so it's pointing towards top right. I want to tweak the cannon to be aiming slightly more up.. but if I touch say middle to below on screen.. the cannon starts turning to point to my touch. What I wish is that I can touch anywhere, the cannon won't turn up or down until I slide my finger up and down, in which it turns from it's current position (not to my current touch).. but a little lost as to how to achieve this.

Here is the basic cannon control behavior/code:

position: max( game.Mouse.Position.X , self.Position.X ) , max( game.Mouse.Position.Y , self.Position.Y )
offset angle: 0
relative to: scene

Any help greatly appreciated!
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