Official GameSalad Templates on Marketplace ☢

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GameSalad is pleased to present to our community the "official" GameSalad templates designed and developed by GameSalad's own expert, in-house game development team. Emulating the gameplay of highly successful mobile games, these templates are designed to bring powerful gameplay mechanics right to your fingertips. Detailed actor and logic comments are incorporated throughout, accelerating your understanding of the design and making customization fast and easy. Our first release includes "Toys vs. Bullies" ("Plants vs. Zombies"), "SOD of War" ("Angry Birds"), "Top Notch Trivia" and "Monster Match." All of these new templates can be found here: GameTeamOne's new templates
See below for the next release of templates specifically using new functionality available in GameSalad Creator Release Candidate or higher.
Sod of War

Toys vs. Bullies

Top Notch Trivia

Monster Match

Which comes with the accompanying Layout Assist Tool:

Official templates in the marketplace requiring at least GameSalad Creator Release Candidate
GS Mechanics: Dialog
This template will show you how to do typed out dialog all run from table data.
GS Mechanics: Menu Styles 1
Change Scenes with less logic.

GS Mechanics: Menu Styles 2
Slide in menus and slide or quick transitions.
Cyborg Cypher
Download from App StorePuzzle game with a level designer. You control what instructions to give the cyborgs. Different cyborgs have different allowed instructions which is managed by a table.

Hex Words
Download from App StoreA boggle type game with over 240,000 words! The table search functionality makes word searching incredibly fast. AND there is hexagon collision area logic(via math).

Name That Character
A picture or word clue based letter unscramble (4 pics, etc) 4 pics 1 word. You do not need to enter words one character per cell and the hints can be updated as 4 pictures, or 1 picture, or 4 text clues, or 1 text clue. These can even be formatted to your preferences via the setup table. There is a hint system in place to delete incorrect letters and place correct letters in place and lock them in. Hyphen and spaces are automatically placed and don't count as letters and longer words/phrases get automatically split into multiple lines.

Pizza Parlor
Download from App StoreA decoration template on how to spawn items from menus and save all that for later editing.

Immune System Command
Download from App StoreMissile command on a microscopic level. This incorporates the new touch attributes so the exact touch becomes the projectile's target position.

More Templates - May 2014
GS Mechanics: Spell Checker
A stripped down version of the spell checker in HexWords, but this includes the words separated by word length as well. A whole sentence can be given and is broken down by word and all the words are checked for spelling at the same time.
GS Mechanics: Menus 3
A level selection menu that unlocks levels once there is at least 1 completion icon filled. The completion icons are dynamic and can change per area. Areas are unlocked depending on total number of completion points on the previous level. The level area scrolls and has an indicator icon that goes to the next new open level, much like the Candy Crush level selector.
Multi-linear Story
Choose your own path through the story. This is story defined by a table with different outcomes and associated images for each page.
Basic Comic Book
Not entirely basic. This allows you to swipe forward and backwards between pages, do a pinch zoom to show an image closer, or double tap a panel to bring it into focus. There is also an assist tool on one scene that you can use to define location and size of the panels on a page.

GS Mechanics: Poker Hands
Need a shortcut to figure out which has the best hand of EIGHT players? Need to deal the cards for only a few players seated at the table? Need to figure out how to deal for Texas Hold'em or Straight Poker? This template has it. Though it allows for 8 players, it is not set up with networking multiplayer and all hands are shown.

Im curious about the level editor. Whoot !
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My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Complete Guide to iOS Publishing {} Complete Guide to Mac Publishing
Love the menu one, shame I can't use it
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Is it possible to get the 240,000 word table for free?
Awesome stuff.
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
For window users, how does one plug these templates into GS?
It depends on the template. Some of the newer ones will not work in the Windows version until we get the new features into the Windows Creator. Please read the description of the templates to know which ones those are.
I noticed these are pretty much the same templates on
[link redacted]
I bought this bundle this morning. It didn't say Mac only.
Those may work on Windows because they do not use some of the new functionality that is available in the 0.11 release which is only available on Mac until the Windows version is ready. The new functionality makes the templates easier to customize and have faster performance due to reduced logic and table searching. Any questions on their templates you will have to go to them.
Also, since I already have a post open, there are added links above to download some of the games onto iPad devices if you want to see them in action.
App Store
Thanks CodeMonkey.
The Name That Character template has been updated.
Notable updates:
Coin total loaded (in the StartSetup actor), and saved when a hint button is used.
The GameLetters table has a new row called Associated which stores the associated reference IDs so it no longer uses a game attribute to pass it among actors. This makes it more stable when removing tiles.
The MasterController actor has a few new attributes to help customize how the game is played.
Where can I find the youtube link for the new templates?
You can see videos about most of them here:
And videos of the new functions themselves:
Those videos have the potential to be really helpful - unfortunately they were posted at a 480p max-resolution on YouTube.. Folks can't read the text within your actors during the tutorial.. It's just a blurry mess..
Can you re-post at a minimum of at least 720p?
-- J
5 new GameTeamOne/Official GameSalad Templates added to marketplace. Sorry no videos yet. These require GS 0.11 to work. See main post for more details.
Is there a way to search the marketplace by price? Like for free templates for example.. If not can i officially suggest that. Digging through marketplace is painful..
Nope, not yet, but I'll pass that along.
Though you can search by creator.
If I got a question about one of the templates(support basiclly), is it you that I should contact?
Sure. or support.
@CodeMonkey Are there any videos of the Pizza Parlor game? I don't have an iPad so can't preview it.
No video for it. I'll need to make one when I get some time.
Yes please. Looks interesting
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