why does my gamesalad crash so often?

Hi, I have recently installed a gamesalad (I use windows 7). It worked fine but stated crashing a few days ago. Now I can only edit 3-4 times and it will crash. It becomes really annoying. Can anyone help me? Thanks


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    First thing to do would be to uninstall and reinstall the creator app.

    If it wasn't crashing before, and has started crashing consistently now, it might be something you've added - logic, graphic, sound - that is causing the program problems. Have you tried turn off all your code and testing if it crashes then? If it no longer crashes, re-enable the code piece by piece and see if you can locate the offending rules.

    That said, I find it very crashy too. A new major release is getting ever closer, though, which will hopefully help.
  • PandaParentsPandaParents Member Posts: 64
    Thank you for the very quick response. I will try to reinstall it. I don't know if it is because my image size is not optimized. I only change the size of the actors, not the image size, so many of them are either too big or have odd number. Does that matter?
  • JScottJScott Member Posts: 143
    Windows version seems to crash more. I mostly use Windows because that's my desktop, and big monitor, and seems to be worse than the Mac version. But that seems excessive.

    I've had troubles when I've removed attributes and not removed all expressions using that attribute. Deleted any attributes?
  • PandaParentsPandaParents Member Posts: 64
    I am not sure why.I also emailed the support people and they said try to close other running program, also the new version is coming out. Hopefully, that will help. Now it is really time consuming.
  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376
    Does it still crash if you start a new project and edit that for a bit? Ensure your current project is closed.
  • j75j75 Member, PRO Posts: 235
    Windows Creator crashing was the driving force behind me buying a Mac.
    The Mac version does it too, but far less frequently.
    Save save save!
  • PandaParentsPandaParents Member Posts: 64
    Thanks for all the responses. . I think it might happen after I added sound to it or maybe my images are too big. I am trying to reduce the size of my images and see if that helps.
  • j75j75 Member, PRO Posts: 235
    Run all your images through tinypng.com and re-upload them to your project.
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    edited February 2014
    Never had a crash on either version (lucky?).

    Although as popular opinion puts it, the Windows version of Creator is at the moment, rather unstable for some unknown reasons. However, it can also be your setup.

    Have you installed anything new to your computer these past few days? If re-installing GS doesn't help and the problem persists, try uninstalling some of those recent installs (if they won't hurt much).

    Also try working on a new project (either start a new practice one, or use a free template) and play with it for an hour or two. If crashes still happen at the same rate.. then I guess the new version coming up soon will be your best bet (not much help, huh?).
  • PandaParentsPandaParents Member Posts: 64
    Hi, Jesse75, Thanks for the suggestion. I just reduced the size for all the images and ran through the tinypng.com. It still crashed. I probably should try mac instead. (I found there are quite a few bugs in the program for windows)
  • PandaParentsPandaParents Member Posts: 64
    Hi, I tried all the suggestions I recieved (reinstalled, use tinypng, etc,) and it is much better now. Still crashes once a while, but not as bad as before. I just want to thank you all for helping!
  • PandaParentsPandaParents Member Posts: 64
    Thanks, BlackCloakGS, I am sorry that I have to ask this: what is windows nightly build? and where can I download it? Thanks again!
  • dsgnronedsgnrone Member Posts: 10

    i actually have found the recent nightly build to crash more...

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