application rejected tizen

Hi all, if any of you have can help me. Tizen uploaded my game and today I received an email stating that I rejected the game for this explanation

' Retry ' button does not work .
* It 's not able to attach the video and log files Because the device is not released yet.

1. Execute application
Two . Select ' PLAY' > Select any level > Play Game > Select 'Pause ' icon > Select ' Retry '
Three . Check the screen

' Retry ' button should work .

In my game goes when you press pause pause menu and two options are retry and main menu. If you give retry restarts the scene , and if you give main menu takes you to the selection of levels. Well, I've tried the retry button on the simulator and it works perfectly , also the main menu button , pause button , back button .... Everything works perfectly in the simulator. know someone explain why I will not say when that button does work ? thank you very much and forgive my English
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