*SOLVED* How do I make an actor play 4 different sounds one by one randomly when I click that actor?

TaricProductionsTaricProductions Member Posts: 16
edited February 2014 in Working with GS (Mac)
So basically I want my "Actor 1" to shout when I click him. I have 4 different sound files for different shouts and I want to add all of them to my actor. When I click my actor it will choose randomly one of those sound files and play it. Like this:
I have "Actor 1", "Sound 1", "Sound 2", "Sound 3", and "Sound 4"
When I click my "Actor 1" it will play "Sound 1". When I click it again it will choose one of my 4 sounds (ie. "Sound 3") and so on. Is this possible?


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