Sound works in iOS but not in Android
FREELANCE GS DEVMember Posts: 1,685
Hey Guys, Im stumped here. Im doing a project for a client and he has sent me a template that has purchased and then somelse has modified (not the client). Ive done the changes needed to publish the file and works great on iOS (iphone 5s to be exact) now when this same GS file is made in to a APK, some of the sounds are missing (as in dont work) why would this be? Is it just that the Android build is unstable or could some of the files be in a format not read by Android? For your info, this has been tested on a nexus 7 and Samsung Galaxy S4 and the problem exists in Google play install and direct install. Thanks in advance.
GS games don't work at all on my Android phone so i am thinking they may be buggy on my tablet too. It's a cheap phone and a run of the mill verizon tablet.
Long story short, try testing on another device.
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