Present progress on Burst Blade
Multi-directional system to allow for redirecting the aim of ranged shots. Will be useful for when I implement more playable characters in a future update or sequel that are also projectile shooters. Skip to the 16th second which is where the multi-directional action starts.

New button layout. Must say, I'm grateful to be an artist, so I can provide my own graphics.
The Princess's new psi-barrier technique, with it, she now does as well against the two dragons as the Knight was doing in previous builds.
The old version of the barrier technique, which although had the fun gimmick of launching her at high speeds if she overlapped it and pressed certain buttons, her enemies could push her out of it if she tried to take refuge, and with her low mobility and melee abilities, she wasn't doing well with it. You'd have to be an expert to use it skillfully:

The Knight had his basic attack upgrade, so he can now deflect energy attacks. It's not as good as the Princess's barrier, as he can still be hit from the back and the top diagonal. He's gotta use his mobility for other defensive measures.
And the new and third game I'm working on, Flyernator, meant to be released before any of the others. The enemies have humorous names such as mouthbreather, snobby, and peepers.

New button layout. Must say, I'm grateful to be an artist, so I can provide my own graphics.

The Princess's new psi-barrier technique, with it, she now does as well against the two dragons as the Knight was doing in previous builds.

The old version of the barrier technique, which although had the fun gimmick of launching her at high speeds if she overlapped it and pressed certain buttons, her enemies could push her out of it if she tried to take refuge, and with her low mobility and melee abilities, she wasn't doing well with it. You'd have to be an expert to use it skillfully:

The Knight had his basic attack upgrade, so he can now deflect energy attacks. It's not as good as the Princess's barrier, as he can still be hit from the back and the top diagonal. He's gotta use his mobility for other defensive measures.

And the new and third game I'm working on, Flyernator, meant to be released before any of the others. The enemies have humorous names such as mouthbreather, snobby, and peepers.

Hope you take this in a positive way, not trying to drag any of your great work down
Keep up the awesome work,
SunrayGaming || appdore twitter || appdore facebook
@SunrayGaming , Thanks, I'm going to market the jalapenos out of this.
@iamcartez , Thanks! I do take a lot of influence from the fighting systems of various SJ series such as DB as well as video games from the 90s.
No worries, guess im just getting old on my days
The day it is released, let me know