Gap in Repeating Background on iPhone 5s

I've looked all over the place, and tried every suggestion out there, but I cannot seem to fix the issue I'm having. Every time I try to create a repeating background that's endlessly scrolling it gives me a gap about a pixel or so wide. This only appears on my iPhone 5s, and not the previewer.

My method for creating a repeating background is as follows. I have two copies of the background scrolling across the screen. Once one copy goes off the end, then I change its X value to go behind the other copy. I've tried all of the following to no avail:

1. I've tried overlapping each copy. - Still a gap
2. I've tried using PNG and JPG. - Both cause a gap
3. I've tried changing the velocity to a slower speed. - Still a gap
4. I've tried changing my scene's background color to match. - Still a gap

This seems like something that many people would use, so I'm sure there has to be some way to get this working without that gap. Any suggestions?


  • jshbbejshbbe Member Posts: 2
    Thought about it some more and made a workaround. For anyone that might have the same problem, this is what I did.

    I noticed that if I overlapped the backgrounds, and if the trailing background was in a layer above the leading background, then the gap didn't occur. Only problem was when I moved the leading background to be the trailing background. So now the new leading background becomes the higher layer. This is when a gap occurred, no matter if it was overlapping.

    So I realized the trailing background had to always be the upper layer, and since GameSalad doesn't allow you to modify an actors layer through behaviors, I had to work around this. I had to tell the leading actor to destroy itself when off the screen, and I told the trailing actor to spawn a new actor above and trailing itself.

    TL;DR - Trailing background always need to be in a higher layer than the leading background.

    I know this might be confusing, but I am at a loss of how to better explain it. It's too bad this is even an issue.
  • Set background graphic as Tile, and Tile.
    Then, the gap will be gone.
  • mcrtommcrtom Member, PRO Posts: 147
    For some reason adding a single pixel of transparency in the background image fixed this for me.
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