SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
edited November -1 in Tech Support
Im trying to submit my app to apple right now and I just compiled it within game salad. However, every time I try to upload the binary it tells me the app was built with a prerelease sdk. Please help!!!


  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    what version of the SDK do you have installed? If you installed the iPhone OS 4.0 beta SDK, it won't work, you can only submit apps to the app store with 3.2 or earlier.
  • VmlwebVmlweb Member Posts: 427
    For some reason when I tried to install the latest iPhone SDK 4.0 Beta 3 it completely deleted 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 which was kinda weird. I tried again several times but the same thing happened. In the end I just installed the 3.2 SDK and left it
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Okay gotcha, I had 4.0 on it ill try with 3.2 Thanks!
  • DhondonDhondon Member Posts: 717
    I have an related question: can you test gamesalad games on os3.0 or do you need to upgrade?
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Still having problems even though I have version 3.2 of the SDK installed. Anyone know why??
  • A3MGA3MG Member Posts: 152
    I tried to update a game a few minutes ago and get the "The binary you uploaded was invalid. A pre-release beta version of the SDK was used to build the application."

    I have not changed anything and have uploaded with success in the past week. Have not even upgraded to 0.8.6 or anything with apple.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    I'm having the same issue and haven't changed anything, or upgraded anything at all.

    Hopefully Gamesalad will care to clarify this issue, I had no issues prior to 0.8.6 in uploading a binary.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    if many people are having a problem, it's probably server side. It sounds like the backend compiler needs to be adjusted.
  • SinecureIndustriesSinecureIndustries Member, PRO Posts: 5
    This needs to be addressed ASAP. We have a critical update for our game that now will not upload for the same reason mentioned above.
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Hey everybody,

    Just wanted to chime in and let everyone know that we are aware of the issue and are working as fast as possible to get this issue resolved. We understand that many of you have updates and publishes planned and terribly sorry about the trouble this issue has caused.

    Just know that we're working on the problem and hope to have it resolved soon.

  • A3MGA3MG Member Posts: 152
    Thanks for the update
  • SethsAppsSethsApps Member, PRO Posts: 328
    Thanks yes! I really need to get my game sent in so please fix asap! Any thoughts on when you might be ready to have it fixed?
  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447
    Hey, everybody!

    It looks like the issue is now resolved. We made some updates on our server side and there no longer seems to be any issue publishing to iTunes. Sorry for the inconvenience this issue has caused and thank you so much for your patience while we got this fixed.

    Happy game making, everyone!

  • A3MGA3MG Member Posts: 152
    I can confirm that it works now, just uploaded.
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