How Would I Make A Choose Character Screen?

I am making a game that involves multiple vehicles that can be chosen to be used so how would I make this work?


  • bjandthekatzbjandthekatz Orlando, FlMember Posts: 1,375
    edited February 2014
    You could create a list of vehicles and an integer attribute called Selection. Give each vehicle a number. When one is tapped change game.selection to that number.

    Inside your character on the screen have a rule If game.selection =1 animate vehicle 1, otherwise if selection =2 animate vehicle 2, and so on.
  • DDJW StudiosDDJW Studios Member Posts: 18
    Thank you, I will try it now, never actually tried custom attributes, this game idea of mine will give me a chance to use this feature.
  • DDJW StudiosDDJW Studios Member Posts: 18
    Right, you say on the screen, do you mean the level or the selection screen?
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