Alternative method for boundaries needed

I appear to have stumbled across an engine limitation / have done something which Gamesalad doesn't like one bit, hoping to get some help!

I have an actor falling, able to touch other actors on the way down which destroy when hit, making the character bigger and also increasing the players "score" - I have used the change size x & y attributes to grow the character and have set the other actor to destroy when colliding or touching.

The issue is, if I actually use collide for the left and right boundaries, it stops the actors from being destroyed. This means that for the amount of time the actor takes to pass through the other actors, it continues to grow massively and add stupid amounts of points. When destroy works it ensures the actor only grows once and adds one point. I tried setting a rule to switch collide on upon collision with the boundary, but as soon as the collision happens it disables the destroy rule again....

Is there any other way to set the boundary without using collision? FYI the actor movement uses an accelerate rule rather than move / move to



  • doodleswagdoodleswag Member Posts: 9
    Problem solved!

    Just in case anyone is curious to know the workaround - I created a boundary actor just inside the play area, created a rule when the player collides with it to change a boolean to true and also change the actors linear velocity to 0, and set the else rule to change the boolean back to false. I linked this boolean to the controls.... Basically when the player touches the left edge it immediately changes their x velocity to 0 and disables the left control. As soon as they are not touching it enables the control again :)

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