Collision Boxes?


are all the collision boxes the same? I'm trying to make it so the collision box around my character matches the size of said character. (its a circle character so I'm not sure how the collision box can be re-sized. I'm not trying to shape the actual box because i know GS doesn't offer that. Simply trying to re-size it.

Thank you.


  • BonepileGamesBonepileGames Member Posts: 194
    Not sure what exactly you are talking about but an actor can have 2 types of collision shapes - Circle and Rectangular. You can change the collision shape by going to Physics tab of the actor > Shape.
  • JiggleboxJigglebox Member Posts: 63
    Not sure what exactly you are talking about but an actor can have 2 types of collision shapes - Circle and Rectangular. You can change the collision shape by going to Physics tab of the actor > Shape.
    I Have a circular character, and I have already set the character's collision box to be a circle, however, the box around said character is much too large for the actor. so when it runs into something I end up bouncing off much further away than where it should be colliding.
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