What are some problems in gamesalad 8.6?

expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
edited November -1 in Tech Support
I know that I myself defenitely have had some issues with gamesalad 8.6 but what are some problems that others are encountering with this new update? Very interested in hearing, thanks.


  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    I havent noticed any problems yet, but I just started a new project.
  • carlos.varela.comcarlos.varela.com Member Posts: 99
    Inverse direction on accelerometer, 3g, iphone os 3.1.2
    And the player hang too, means more fast, but hang / crash, or white screen too. same on editor some times.
    Please, where is a complete list of all releases? on my portfolio just see since 0.8.4, where can I download other older version, please?
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Every element in my game just became invisible. All icons are blank, the stage is black and on preview I get black. Before that it was behaving pretty well. Tried to reinstall but no luck.
  • expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
    That sucks. How long have you been working on it for? Do the actors still have all if their rules?
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    Yea, got it back by reimporting all of the graphics. Fortunately it's early in the development of this game.
  • Peter_OlafsonPeter_Olafson Member Posts: 301
    And the actors did retain their rules.
  • Player_EPlayer_E Member, PRO Posts: 604
    This is why I find that when I have a project I have already started and GS comes out with an update I tend to wait until I finish my project before I go ahead with the update.
  • firemaplegamesfiremaplegames Member Posts: 3,211
    Spoke too soon...

    All of my projects are still ok, with the exception of my platformer demo "sneak peek" which is now unplayable:

  • YodapolloYodapollo Inactive, Chef Emeritus Posts: 447

    was the link you posted supposed to be unplayable? because it worked fine for me once i installed the updated 8.6 plugin.

    if the problem is in the project within the tool, what are the issues you're having?
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