Looking for some professional services
in Help Wanted
I have a great game that is 95% done. I could actually submit it to eh app store but I would like a good pair of eyes to spend some time and optimize it. There is a lot of actor spawning and movement so it can get a little laggy on some devices. I have tested it on iphone 4, iphone 5s and ipad 2. Additionally there are a few simple features I want to add in that I am having some trouble with. Please PM me if you are interested in the project. Obviously this will be paid work.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
So for example:
To spawn the enemy rockets that fly across the screen, I am doing
Every 4 seconds
-- For 10 seconds
----Spawn missiles randomly
So the effect is a sortie of missiles that lasts 10 seconds starting every 4 seconds. To complicate things, I have Spawn missiles randomly based on a function of the current score so that the missiles spawn more frequently as the game goes on. So I am basically looking for somebody to go through my code and switch out all of the timers for the more elegant methods described here:
Additionally if there are other optimizations to be done lets get on that as well. One might be to tweak how my attributes are structured if necessary.
I have a budget for this so please don't think I am looking for free work done. If money is al you love, then thats what you shall receive.
My Latest GS Game - Tiny Spirit
My First GS Game - Dashing Ralph
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