Marketing your game

expired_012expired_012 Member Posts: 1,802
edited November -1 in Tech Support
What are different ways people have been marketing their games? Was it successful? Should you market your game before or after it enters the app store? Also plz give just general info about marketing your game such as how much it usually costs, etc. Thanks


  • RHRH Member Posts: 1,079
    There was no need to post the exact same topic twice, within 1 hour of each other.

    But basically, there are websites that review apps, telling friends, youtube reviews, there seem to be a few GS specific related websites popping up made by nice people on the forums at the moment :). If you are lucky enough, the app begins to publicise itself if it makes it high enough in genres in the App store.

    Be creative!

    I'm sure other people have other ways of promoting.
  • mandancemandance Member Posts: 87
    I'm getting ready to hit up some local colleges and the like. Anywhere that has open bill boards. It may sound silly, but iphone games are all about word of mouth. If you have faith in you're game, just worry about getting it out there.
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