
evertevert Member Posts: 266
edited February 2014 in Announce Your Game!
Hi all,

Here is my game!

A small and easy looking game.
You play as Bolly (a 'bol' is dutch for sphere) and you need to get to the top.
But, there are a lot of crazy obstacles that could kill or even freeze you.
Some of them could be helpful others won't.

You can only jump or dubblejump left and right and each jump will be a point.
The movement is integrated in the screen, so left half of your phone will be left jumping and right will let you jump right.

The goal is to get to the top with as little as possible jumps.



  • AppTacoAppTaco Member Posts: 125
    Very smooth looking game. Great work.

  • evertevert Member Posts: 266
    Thank you!

    Because of the design and i don't really like ads in an app, i will probably sell the app for 99cents in the app store. So still a lot of work to make it your 99cents worth!

    Because this community helped me a lot, i will try to provide some free downloads for the gamesalad community!
  • evertevert Member Posts: 266
    Still working hard on this game..
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Still working hard on this game..
    Genius ;)

    I like the cut of your jib, @evert - best of luck to you!

    QS =D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • evertevert Member Posts: 266
    Progress on my first game so far..

    - A lot of bug fix
    - Highscores
    - Game center
    - Twitter
    - Levels (+ unlock)
    - Graphics
    - Universal builds Menu
    - Movement of actor (bolly)
    - How to play
    - ....
  • evertevert Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2014
    I said in this topic i would make it a 99cent app,
    i changed my mind and now its going to be a FREE one with rev mob ads.
    Those rev mob ads are not stable yet, but works pretty fine for the moment. So the game has to wait until the 0.11build for a more stable advertising solution.

    what has changed in my game since my last post?
    - mostly bug fixes
    - some re designing
    - made it more simplistic
    - deleted a lot of enemy's and options
    - the universal build is finally coming together (took some time to figure it out)

    - Game Center and highscores are still not as stable as it should be.
  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    love the art style, but for some reason the black eye just doesn't sit well with me. I think it would be better without it maybe?, or maybe a shade of orange to match the other colors?
  • evertevert Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2014
    @jonmulcahy Thanks for the advice! I will look into that.

    Since my first post i tried to make my game more and more minimalistic.
    In my opinion people are looking for basic games with basic graphics.
    Minimalism from the swiss design period (1950's) is coming back into design and graphics.

    Here are some screens from the current build of my game.

    (comments, feedback, reasons you like it, reason you don't, please shout it out so i can build my great first game as it should be)

  • evertevert Member Posts: 266
    edited March 2014

    A lot has changed in the past couple of weeks..
    Some things are redesigned, others left away and new things came into the game.
    Most of the work i did was bug fixes and functionality.

    here are some screens of the redesign elements..
    I mostly gave it a warmer and fun feeling.


    What has to be done?

    • Some new bug came up, so they need fixing

    • More achievements

    • Designing the highscore board

    • Some redesigns

    • Level designs

    • Adding sounds (a good friend of mine is making these)

    • Some other stuff i'm forgetting..

    My plan is to release it somewhere next week or weekend.
    (than it would take another week to get reviewed by apple)

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