Testflight Automation

ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,370
Please note this post pertains to Mac OS X only.

I'm updating a bunch of apps, and I'm testing them ad hoc using Testflight.

I don't know if I'm using Testflight wrong, but I'm finding it a real pain in the backside having to publish a build, then make a directory called Payload (or publish into one, but I prefer not to do that), then archive the directory, then rename the archive "Payload.ipa".

I presumed the Testflight app would automate some of this, but it seems to have no interest in doing so, for me at least.

So instead I made an Automator action that'll do it all for me. Keep the application in your dock and when you publish a build, just drag the game onto the application in your dock and it'll output for you a shiny .ipa ready for Testflight upload.

I have it set not to delete the input file but you can easily change that if you want.

Also, the same actions can be used if you want to make a Folder Action and have it automatically run when you publish and sign your game. I can outline the steps required to do this if people want.

It can also be made to launch the Testflight app after finishing by adding a Launch Application to it, but I haven't been able to get it to open Testflight and pass the file to it. Probably possible, and I'd imagine easily enough done using a script, but I can't be bothered to try right now :D

Anyway, file attached. Maybe it'll be helpful for someone else. God knows if I saved it right. Guess we'll find out :D


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