GameLofts first happy hour is here

GameLoft are having their first happy hour with Ferrari GT Evolution which is free for the next 2 hours so go get it quick.
You can also follow them on twitter to see when the other 10 happy hours are going to be
GameLoft are having their first happy hour with Ferrari GT Evolution which is free for the next 2 hours so go get it quick.
You can also follow them on twitter to see when the other 10 happy hours are going to be
is this happening every day for 10 days then?
It's cool because it's a great game for free!
It's bad for me because how am I supposed to compete against games like that? Heh, if this is the kind of games given away for free, why would people want to spend money on my independent games and apps? :-)
I do like what I'm working on for my next GameSalad project though. It's pretty good. Maybe that's GameLoft's plan... distract independent developers with free games.
Please do not be disheartened! Play to your strengths as an indie dev!
First is being original. You can experiment. You can make games that designers around the world dream about but never can do within a studio environment because the idea's too risky. In short, you can make something.... new!
Second is being fast to react. Check out Mr.Funkleberry's Volcano game. Done in two days, polished and TOPICAL.
Thirdly, be disruptive. Look at Nintendo - everyone thought the PSP would wipe the floor with the DS because it let people play console type games on-the-go. Look who won that! Again, the Wii brought something new to the market while the Xbox and PS3 went for the traditional 'more power' plan. Again, who's sold the most consoles?
Fourthly, people play all sorts of games and the potential market is huge! I take the tube to work every day, and literally EVERYONE has an iPhone/iPod touch. I look at the games they play. I've NEVER seen a 3D game.
Fifth: If you like what you're doing, as you mentioned, chances are others will too. Unless you're me. I 'redefine niche'
Sixth: Look at the top 10 in the App store. How many of those games are 2D? How many 3D? Notice something?
Finally, there are a few people on here who've made good games and made money off them. Take heart in that it can be done if you really want to and put in a LOT of effort.
Take it easy
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
This means that someone can't just go and change something, they have to ask permission and log it all.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Actually, I have been working hard. There are 140+ attributes in my next game. It's a real chore trying to create and keep track of all those game attributes.
Anyway, I'm going back to work on my game.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...