Burst Blade progress and sequel

I've got some gameplay videos showcasing some new aspects of the game, like an icon that selects a different special move for the red button and a multi-directional aim touch system{it's already implemented, I just gotta make the on screen graphics for it and the button{on the space to the right} that makes it visible. It would be overlayed over the middle of the screen, and appear transparent at the touch of the button on the side and be invisible the rest of the time. The directional input system meant for any playable shooter type characters in game. Right now there are no graphics for it, but its working as shown in this video:

The present control scheme is the best I could do. Basically jump is now the up button on the left, and the three buttons on the right are special technique, basic attack, and signature move.

The new gameplay videos of BB:

Knight vs new enemies:

Princess vs " ":

Technically, you would have to be really skilled or have a really hard time taking on so many powerful enemies. The Princess's ultimate attack had no cost and the Knight had his life bar healed like several times as handicaps, see how each resulted still.

Some more videos:

This is actually the latest gameplay where the Knight shows off two new attacks but the fighting is long winded near the middle due to somekind of lag freezing the character for a few seconds. The info should have the time for some of the new attacks.

A demonstration of the new technique selection system which is the icon at the top middle corner{I'm using placeholder graphics for now, indicating what move is in use for the red button). The Princess shows off the majority of her moves implemented in the gam so far.

The Knight showing off the variable power his special attack can achieve thanks to the power meter.

More Princess gameplay against the new enemies, with a surprising twist at the end that has me contemplating if I should put a borders around the map, the darn Horned Dragon literally tackled her into the sky:

Some designs for characters that will appear in the sequel named Burst Blade Runner. The biggest drawn designs are usually who are primary on the list, smaller drawn characters are lesser priority or will appear as bosses.

Moustache Dragon, Gunslinger, and Sprite characters. Possible bosses: Knight Dragon, Shield Maiden, bee girl, and lobster.

Ogre and Yukionna for primary characters. Possible characters/bosses: Raven, Red Fox, Harpy, and Troll.

Three of the bosses in the present game:

The main characters for Burst Blade are the Knight and Princess. With a secret/unlockable character from the above list{Hint: An attack already in the game is useable by them}. All characters picked for the sequel will get this treatment and put in the game: http://s20.postimg.org/ab8luknm5/Burstbladeprotagonists.png
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