What tutorials to read/watch in order to set up a GameSalad based dev environment?

I used to be a gamesald user a few years ago and would like to update some of my "then published" games.

Since then, I have renewed my Apple developer license every year but switched to a different Mac.

What do I need to read or watch in order to set up my machine to continue development?

Note: I have logged into developer.apple.com and via xCode set up my certificate.

When I open GameSalad Creator, only "Preview" is availabe, the GS Viewer is not yet installed.

How do I do that?

Thanks :)


  • prePianoprePiano Member Posts: 4
    I should have included that I am on Mavericks 10.9.2
  • JDuaneJJDuaneJ San Francisco Member Posts: 300
    This will tell you everything you need to know. You will be better off when things crap out again if you learn this way. http://cookbook.gamesalad.com/tutorials/1/parts/1

    Luck be with you my friend.
  • prePianoprePiano Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2014
    Thanks JDuaneJ,
    I know about those videos.

    My problem is that I am on Mavericks and can not find "recent" tutorials on how to install the viewer so that I can test my apps.

    thanks :)
  • prePianoprePiano Member Posts: 4
    In case this is helpful for someone to point me in the right direction, the build error messages are:
    Unable to run command 'CpResource GameSalad\ Viewer.app' - this target might include its own product.
    Unable to run command 'Touch GameSalad\ Viewer.app' - this target might include its own product.
    Unable to run command 'CodeSign GameSalad\ Viewer.app' - this target might include its own product.
    Unable to run command 'Validate GameSalad\ Viewer.app' - this target might include its own product.

    I use the latest xcode and an iPad 1 (I want my apps to run on any ipad out there!)
  • prePianoprePiano Member Posts: 4
    I'd just like to post a final follow up on where I found a workable solution:


    the above page had instructions which worked.

    Hopefully this will help others who experience the same issue.
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