Cant make a custom font over 11 s timer Member Posts: 9
edited March 2014 in Working with GS (PC)
Hi Im making a game for iphone on windows with custom fonts.
My custom font works everywhere fine but when I use it for a timer it cant go over 10 s.
so t begins with
12345678910 and it begins again with 123456789 and then comes 20 and so on and so on.
can anyone help me?


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,378
    My initial guess would be that you're using the wrong divider number for one of the digits (assuming you followed tshirtbooth's tutorial). It's going to be a very difficult one to troubleshoot without seeing the file though. Or possibly an error in your expression.

    I'll be happy to take a look at your project if you want, or you can post screen shots of your rules and attributes for each digit.

    My email is if you want me to take a look.
  • Thanks I've send it to you
  • Hey i solved the problem
    If you used the tutorial of tshirtbooth for your custom font and want to make a timer, you have to make the formular like that

    Constrain atribute

    Self.image to floor((game.yourtimer%self.div)/(self.div/10))

    Important you have to use double ((
    If not it will appear the old problem of mine

    Sorry for my bad english im only 13 years old and english is'nt my language

    Notice this formular worked for me on windows. I dont no if it works on mac
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