adding device time in game and save progress for game ?
currently in the process of making a small game for the iphone with Gamesalad on windows 7.its got 3 scenes and has got multiple actors that display at certain points in the game as you progress through it.
my first question : how do i save the progress so when the user closes the app or the user goes to menu or another scene in the game it will resume back to that point and not loose the progress the user had made ?
second question : how do i add the real device time/clock in game displayed on the game screen ?
third question : and how can i have the app progressing through its self after the initial first run even though the app is not running and the user is not playing it ? however the user will have to open the app daily to help the progress of the game go faster
hope ive explained that ok
ps hope this it in the correct section
currently in the process of making a small game for the iphone with Gamesalad on windows 7.its got 3 scenes and has got multiple actors that display at certain points in the game as you progress through it.
my first question : how do i save the progress so when the user closes the app or the user goes to menu or another scene in the game it will resume back to that point and not loose the progress the user had made ?
second question : how do i add the real device time/clock in game displayed on the game screen ?
third question : and how can i have the app progressing through its self after the initial first run even though the app is not running and the user is not playing it ? however the user will have to open the app daily to help the progress of the game go faster
hope ive explained that ok

ps hope this it in the correct section