- XMB will be free tomorrow - I'll post results later
XMB Xtreme Mountain Busing will be free tomorrow and featured at The deal I made with them is that after I switch it back to paid (they recommend keeping it free for 4-5 days) they keep it in a prominent spot on their site for 30 days and they take 30% of the increase in profit for that 30 days as compared to the average profit (average of the 7 days leading up to the free campaign).
I know others have looked into this so I will let people know if it gives me a bump in sales when I switch it back to paid.
I know others have looked into this so I will let people know if it gives me a bump in sales when I switch it back to paid.
good luck
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I did have one idiot reviewer tell me that "Busing" is spelled wrong. I also have a lot of 1 stars. The freeappaday people suggest submitting an update right away (which I did last night) so the "current version" rating will not be effected by the people who downloaded it and deleted it right away, so hopefully apple will not take too long to approve the latest update.
some serious exposure
Should I switch it out of sports and into arcade? Or adventure?
i would go that route
55,000 DLs yesterday
I'm going to follow's advice and leave it free for 2 maybe 3 more days.
How much longer do you guys think I should leave it free?
FreeAppADay claims that this works because when a lot of people have your app a certain percent will like it enough to tell other people about it. So that after it goes back to being paid the word of mouth effect will drive up actual paid sales. So the fact that as of 4pm eastern I am still near the same chart positions as yesterday I am guessing that by tomorrow morning around 100,000 people will have downloaded my game. Seems like that should be enough to have the desired word of mouth effect. I've been making an average of $12 per day so each day it is free I lose money but gain a larger "word of mouth potential." So I'm torn.
and just like tshirt said. as soon as you put it back to paid, you lose the rank. so the more "buzz" you get around the game while its free, the better for when it goes back to paid!
just my personal opinion.
hope you have luck with this!
Is there anything hidden that we don't know about. Or is it all listed?
Its just that there doesn't seem much for over 20x the price
It all comes down to if the game is good or not.
If you give 1 million people the next mario brothers for free of course it will sell.
One thing that might not be too bad is (for example)make something like the full redblock remover free and just leave it free. Once it got up there i could see it having lasting power as a free game
......Now, how many would upgrade to red block remover 2 once the first one got more and more popular?... 2% 3%? either way its a lot of money
Good luck with it once the promo ends!
It's just a shame we cannot use admob and make money from free games.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Got to pony up and buy it the first before I can renew it!