What are you using?

hey guys i was wondering what everyone is using for a visual editing suite. im planning to bring is most of my graphics with a scanner or photography, dont want to give away too much, hehehe, This will be my first mac computer and im ordering it soley for gamesalad. do i need adobe? how are you guys getting such crisp/deep/purty graphics?
Of course, if you can afford it, get the grandaddy version of Photoshop.
Oh, and Pixen is BRILLIANT for doing your character sprites and animations. It's also FREEEEEEE!!! I'll be using that for all of the characters in my game
I've been trained in Photoshop, but could not afford it so I bought PL. Can't say there is any feature/function I'm missing:)
Might not have the most sexy interface (like pixelmator).
Pixelmator is also an option.