Select Clothes > Select Actor > Change Actor Image

Hi Community,

Sorry for this noobish question.

So here's scene: Two actor's faces in middle screen (Actor A and actor B), and three items located below Them, A Hat, A Sunglass, An Earing.


Step 1: Player taps one of the item. In this example the Hat. The hat size becomes bigger (showing that it is selected)
Step 2: Player then taps an actor to which he wants to place the hat. Lets say Actor B's head, Actor B is highlighted (lets say a circle on top of his head)
Step3: Player taps the head of Actor B. The Hat then is placed on the head of Actor B.

Help Please!

Best Answer

  • maltadirkmaltadirk Posts: 26
    edited March 2014 Accepted Answer
    Hey @itokengroup,

    I've implemented what you requested in gs project. I tried using as many comments in the actors I used to make the project self explanatory.
    Hope it help ;)
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