Resolution for iphone 5

tillmosstillmoss Member, PRO Posts: 20
Hi! I want to develop an app for iphone 5. But when I select a type of project, in my case iphone portrait, the resolution of scene is 568x320. Is this normal? Or I must increase the resolution of scene?

thanks at all


  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    Yup, that's normal. It's also the correct size.

    Check out and use it as a guide when developing for iOS devices.

    iPhone 5's resolution is 1136x640, but since it's a Retina device it means you'll only be dealing with the display size of 568x320 which is half the resolution.

    You can double check by creating a new project and setting the platform to Legacy iPhone Landscape -- should be smaller and at the same screen size as the earlier iPhone models.
  • tillmosstillmoss Member, PRO Posts: 20
    Thanks! Can I ask you another question?
    I've tried my app with "gamesalad viewer" (my app is built for portrait mode) but when I rotate my device the app go in landscape mode! why? can I lock rotation?

    Thanks so much
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    edited March 2014
    I haven't used the Viewer in a long time, but I remember this being a bug.

    I always test using an ad hoc build just because it's the most accurate form of testing. The viewer is a great way to test your gameplay at the start of development, but towards 40% of development I'd advise you always prototype using ad hoc so you'll notice little hiccups like slowdowns or late response times.

    When creating the build during the publishing phase, there is a section for Orientation locking.

    Some references for you, in case you decide to go the ad hoc route (which you should).
    - Publishing guide c/o the GS CookBook (Read through EVERYTHING)
    - The Apple Developer and Publishing tutorial videos from FBS.
  • tillmosstillmoss Member, PRO Posts: 20
    In fact, I have noticed a decrease in performance with "GameSalad viewer".
    Thanks for your help you're THE BEST!
    Next month I'll become a pro member! :D
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    edited March 2014
    I updated my 2nd post, read through the references to get you started, if you haven't yet.

    You won't regret going Pro! :)

    P.S. You won't need to go Pro just to do ad hoc testing, by the way. Just the Apple developer license will do. Go Pro once you're done with the game and just need to add Pro stuff like iAPs, before Publishing.

    Unless you want to try out the Nightlies..
  • tillmosstillmoss Member, PRO Posts: 20
    You are my HERO! I want to become PRO because I want to publish on IOS and Android and I want to insert a ADS and app-purchase. There's another method to test my app on devices?!
  • tillmosstillmoss Member, PRO Posts: 20
    But if I want to develop an app for ipad and the same for iphone 5, I make 2 different apps or I use the same?
  • TheGabfatherTheGabfather Member Posts: 633
    Not necessarily. You can make separate builds and publish two of the same app but for different devices, OR you can just make a Universal Build.

    Try searching "Gamesalad Universal build" in Google, and you'll get tutorials as well as sample project files (some are Paid templates).

    P.S. It would benefit other people if you created separate threads per unique query :) so when they use the search feature, they will get more appropriate results immediately.
  • tillmosstillmoss Member, PRO Posts: 20
    sorry but I thought it was wrong to open so many threads. [-O<
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