Destroying Actors vs re-using Actors through Tables

maltadirkmaltadirk Member, PRO Posts: 26
I have just finished creating an infinite side-scrolling game. For the background I created an actor from outside the right-side of the screen, move it to the left, then destroy it when it leaves the screen on the left-side. This obviously involves lots of creating and destroying of actors, especially since I have multiple actors like clouds, trees, hills, ect...

I'm reading through "Learn GameSalad for iOS". It stats that its actually better to use tables and re-use actors rather then continuous creating and destroying. So I'm thinking instead of using the above method, using a method where 2 actors of the same actor are created and constantly being reused by moving their coordinated.
Apparently its less stressful full GameSalad to re-use the same actors, rather then creating and destroying. Will this actually improve the performance of the game?


  • tatiangtatiang Member, Sous Chef, PRO, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 11,949
    It might but there's been some evidence that recycling (moving the actor back to its original location) rather than re-spawning doesn't make much of a difference. Why not try it out?

    By the way, tables have nothing to do with this unless you're trying to do something more complicated than you mentioned.

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  • maltadirkmaltadirk Member, PRO Posts: 26
    thanks for the reply @tatiang‌
    With regards to Tables your right, not much use in this case but to actually keep track of where the spawn X/Y values are for each Actor. Plus Tables would be useful in the case of different generating different spawn points for different level.
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