Invisible & Untouchable
Member Posts: 9
hi, i need some help i can't seem to figure out how to make something both invisible & untouchable without destroying the actor
for example lets say I'm creating a mario game, mario i stood there with a coin above him, atm if he touches the coin with alpha i can make it invisible and the coin counter increases by one but if i jump again the coin counter increases by one again but with the coin invisible, i would like to able to make it so the coin become invisible and untouchable without destroying it, any ideas ?
Add the condition if self.color.alpha is not 0 then run the coin rule, otherwise do nothing
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The way to do this is to have a rule around all of the rules in your coin actor that says When self.color.alpha≠0
... all other rules
Or you may not need to embed ALL of your rules but only the rules that deal with collisions, for example.
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wow.....THANK YOU, worked like a charm