Best sites/forums to get your app reviewed.

What are peoples thoughts on the best site/forums to post in to get you app reviewed/rated. I have posted in toucharcade, but almost all the codes were taken by non members. If anybody on here wants to review or rate my game then I will send you a code.
What are peoples thoughts on the best site/forums to post in to get you app reviewed/rated. I have posted in toucharcade, but almost all the codes were taken by non members. If anybody on here wants to review or rate my game then I will send you a code.
In the initial posting you can even "apologize" for the inconvenience of having to PM, but then explain that you are trying to prevent non-TA members from stealing all of the codes. I find that people appreciate that.
Kindly Invite users to send to you a PM or an email with a specific request... a lot of them will review with great pleasure!
the app info tag is the screen that looks like the itunes page correct.
could you enlighten me and inform me on how to add that to my post I think it would help me out in sales a bit as right now I just have text in my post about my game.