Seeking Light Paid Help
I am thinking to buy a few templates, change artwork, mess around with them to learn hopefully, and publish them to the app store to promote another project. So, my current thinking is to show a scene when they're closing the app that says something like "This game is brought to you free by ! Click the link above to play on Facebook. can be played fully on higher-end mobile devices, and of course on any PC. We hope you enjoy this game as well as !" and have an image above this text. I think it would be great if I could get one setup, and then just import it into other projects - the same scene (can you do that with GS?). So, this is very light work, but I want it to look good and any cool tricks for it would be great. Anyone interested in doing this for me? I'm willing to pay a reasonable fee. Thank you.
I see it stripped out the text I have inside < >.
Anyway, that was just saying "my other project name".
For apple once you press the home button it exits out of the application.
As on android/tizen/kindle I believe if they press the back button from the menu it will exit the application. You could have a rule when back button is pressed change scenes to the promo scene and after they view it they can press the back button again to exit or click to view the promotion.
This is the only thing I can think of.
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Thank you for that feedback, bjandthekatz.
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