Overlapping Actors


I am fully aware of tshitbooths tutorial on selecting overlapping actors. However, his way of doing it brings in self attributes to do it. Is there any way to just use game attributes. My game is already set up with 16 different characters that are individually prototyped.

Here's his tutorial? http://gshelper.com/how-to-select-overlapping-actors-in-gamesalad/


  • ArmellineArmelline Member, PRO Posts: 5,376

    There is no reason any self-attribute can't become a game attribute just by making it one, it just means you need to adjust the rules accordingly.

    Attributes cascade backwards but not forwards:

    A game attribute can do everything a scene and self attribute can do
    A scene attribute can do everything a self attribute can do

    A self attribute CAN'T do everything a scene or game attribute can do.
    A scene attribute CAN'T do everything a game attribute can do.

    The main reasons for using scene and self attributes are:

    1. They don't need to be held in memory when the actor/scene they're found in aren't active.
    2. If you have one prototype actor that is used 100 times in a scene, you only need to make the one self attribute. You can make 100 scene or game attributes, but that's 99 extra attributes you have to create. Taken to extremes this can have a noticeable impact on performance.

    At least that's how I assume they work :P

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