Red Bit Escape...

TouchiMediaTouchiMedia Member Posts: 154
edited March 2014 in Miscellaneous

So refreshed my App Store top 10 Free list this morning..

What do you know, a Red Bit game called Red Bit Escape magically makes it to ranking #2.

It was released March 10th --- and I checked morning of March 11th, and it had got 950 ratings (almost all 5 stars) and 210,000 downloads. It wasn't featured, checked all my major iOS review sites, no coverage.. no advertising.

Anyone else find this a little shady? I can understand over time (months or weeks) .. but this literally happened within 24 hours of release.

What are they doing that's so different from the thousands of Apps.. is it ASO's (lol...?) - the game itself, really isn't special. I played many gamesalad games that were as good or better.

Another App store miracle.. or something else...

Heck when you play, your finger hides half the screen, any non bot would not rate this poor design


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