Move Camera Origin At x Speed After x Seconds
I'm currently working on a game and the aim of the game is to keep a ball from hitting the ground.
I have a background image at the size: 360x2400 (there are 5 different backgrounds put into one on top of each other)
I want the background to move after say 5 seconds to the next level (I have worked out the camera origin's Y would be at 480 for the second level.
I have tried
If timer >= 5 seconds
Change attribute to 480
This does change the camera origin to the second level but it just changes, doesn't move
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Best Answer
CodeMonster ACT, AustraliaPosts: 1,078
yeh, what @BonepileGames said. use the interpolate behaviour. so heres an example:
attribute TO 480
for 0.1 seconds (or how ever many seconds you like)
Have you tried interpolate behaviour?
Thanks for the reply, im trying that now... I've hit a stalemate though, once the background has moved once using the interpolate behaviour I am unable to move the background again
Please advise thanks
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!
All done thanks for your help
Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!