Need help with Music/Movement
Member Posts: 20
Hi, I am working n a Soccer game and I want it so when you open the app it starts playing music right away without the push of a button. Also I am kind of basing the game off Head Soccer so I need the enemy (CPU) to be able to move and jump without any controls. THANKS for the help BTW sorry if thesis in the wrong forum I am new to GameSalad
Just add the behavior (without a rule) Play music. An AI could be pretty hard to make so I would get familiar with gamesalad and look on the forums for other references.
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Hey playing music is easy. Just chuck in a play music behaviour
As for the enemy AI(the guys that move by themselves)
Will defently be difficult. You'll either have to accomplish this your self (as it's way to complicated to explain in chat)
Or hire someone.
Ok Thx, I am working on it now
Edit: sorry, didn't see the other responses when I posted.
If you want something to happen immediately, don't place it in a rule. Any behaviors at the top of an actor's rule area will trigger immediately when the scene loads.
The other question is more complicated and I suggest that you get to know GameSalad quite well before trying to make AI enemy movement.
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Thanks for the help everyone who posted