Clash of clans in Game Salad?

Hi, I love playing Clash of clans and would like to make a simple version with GameSalad. Is this possible? Maybe just a game with a few crops you harvest for points. If you have any ideas or know how I can do this please respond, Thanmks :) :) :)


  • Gamemaker398Gamemaker398 Member Posts: 20

    BTW I know multiplayer is not possible

  • Gamemaker398Gamemaker398 Member Posts: 20

    Can someone post the "code" to make crops grow over a certain amount of time? (minutes)

  • SmokeyAce73SmokeyAce73 EarthMember Posts: 370
    edited March 2014

    The only way i could figure this out is (It will be growing over the space of 2 minutes):

    Create Actors:

    CropGrower (Off Screen)

    Create Images:


    Create Attributes:

    timer - integer
    growcrops - boolean
    growspeed - integer
     Timer Actor:
    Every 1 Second (run to completion)
    Change attribute game.timer to game.timer+1
    CropGrower Actor:


    if attribute game.timer < 30


    Change attribute game.growcrops to false

    Rule (All)

    if attribute game.timer > 30

    if attribute game.timer < 60


    Change attribute game.growcrops to true

    Change attribute game.growspeed to 1

    Rule (All)

    if attribute game.timer > 60

    if attribute game.timer < 90


    Change attribute game.growcrops to true

    Change attribute game.growspeed to 2

    Rule (All)

    if attribute game.timer > 90

    if attribute game.timer < 120


    Change attribute game.growcrops to true

    Change attribute game.growspeed to 3

    Crop Actor:


    if attribute game.growcrops is true



    if attribute game.growspeed = 0


    change image GrowStage0


    if attribute game.growspeed = 1


    change image GrowStage1


    if attribute game.growspeed = 2


    change image GrowStage2


    if attribute game.growspeed = 3


    change image GrowStage3

    Make sure all your actors are on scene!

    Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!

  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273

    Actually, we now have access to turn based multiplayer. I've never played clash if clans so I'm not familiar with the game play

  • willkeslingwillkesling Member, PRO Posts: 123

    I would suggest picking an individual game mechanic. Something very basic and making a game from that.

    Part of the problem with game development is 1 not having the complete knowledge to finish a game from start to finish and 2. not being able to cut scope and find the mvp.

    Games like clash of Clans have a lot of combined mechanics. Build, test, and release early and often.

  • JDuaneJJDuaneJ San Francisco Member Posts: 300

    @willkesling said:
    I would suggest picking an individual game mechanic. Something very basic and making a game from that.

    Part of the problem with game development is 1 not having the complete knowledge to finish a game from start to finish and 2. not being able to cut scope and find the mvp.

    Games like clash of Clans have a lot of combined mechanics. Build, test, and release early and often.

    Agree! Sound advice. BTW for those who don't know, MVP is Minimal Viable Product, not Most Valuable Product. lol Basically the simplest thing you can create that brings your product to market so you can gauge it's response from a small group of users. Some may even market the mvp to attain a core group, then remove all marketing strategies to focus on some data mining. The company I work for has even released games under "ghost" names to test, then build a completely different product based on the data received.

  • Gamemaker398Gamemaker398 Member Posts: 20

    Thanks everyone. It will be a hard project because I SUCK at art and can't get good graphics. I am new to forums anyine have ideas on how to get someone to do iages for free?

  • jonmulcahyjonmulcahy Member, Sous Chef Posts: 10,408
    edited March 2014

    @Gamemaker398 said:
    Thanks everyone. It will be a hard project because I SUCK at art and can't get good graphics. I am new to forums anyine have ideas on how to get someone to do iages for free?

    good luck finding someone to do images for free, as you know it is hard work and they deserve to be paid for their time. your best bet is to find free online works, a cheap vector stock, or hookup with a friend who is good with artwork.

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782

    @Gamemaker398 said:
    ... anyine have ideas on how to get someone to do iages for free?

    Try blackmail, blackmail works.

    Seriously, @willkesling has good advice. Let the complexity of your projects grow with your abilities.

  • SmokeyAce73SmokeyAce73 EarthMember Posts: 370

    Developer For BLUNTentertainment - Feel Free To Message Me! - Free Beginner Templates!

  • HopscotchHopscotch Member, PRO Posts: 2,782
    edited March 2014

    @SmokeyAce73 said:
    gamemaker398 Try this link:

    Even with a site like this, make sure that you check and understand the license/s attached to it. Only a limited amout is actually free in the sense that most people expect.

    As Inigo Montoya would say: “You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means”

  • willkeslingwillkesling Member, PRO Posts: 123

    Good game art can be hard to find and it is not cheap. One model you can try is to find an artist to partner with. Have the artist record their time. As a dev you should also record your time. By this I mean keep track of how long it takes you to do your part of the game.

    This will give you a good idea of a fair % to split with your artist partner. For example, maybe it took the artist 4 hours to do all the graphic assets and you spent 40 hours of programming. A 50 50 split in this instance wouldn't be fair to the dev.

    A more expensive route is paying an artist for custom work. Now, with this make sure you make it clear that you own the rights to the work once it is complete. Then you can use it to build your game and then sell the assets to other designers.

    I do this method a lot only I won't sell my major characters. For example, I will sell the bushes in zelda but not zelda.

    Hope this helps.

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