GS on Windows and Mac
I have been working with GS for the past 4 years or so, I just downloaded it on Windows and I was surprised at the difference between Mac and Windows. Why is the Windows version so much different? I have never used it so I was curious what people thought about the two different versions, is one more stable than the other? or is one better to work with? Any knowledge about this would be great.
Windows version crashes and stops working a lot.
But the layout is a lot better compared to the mac
windows version really blows....
Windows version has a habit of crashing. Although its not as bad as it used to be. So if you make any changes, ALWAYS save first before running the viewer.
If the saving process starts to slow up, or you think its all going a bit slow, save and exit GS and reopen a new one. It's almost as if the memory becomes bloated and throws up!
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