On the behavior itself, no. But if you had an actor on top of the actor that has that display text, you could fade that one in and make it look like the display text is fading out.
@dimsdale I was actually creating a game where I needed this, and I took for granted that it was there, so I created a table with all of the colors and had it all ready when I realized there were no such feature. Fortunately I did only need 4 colors so I could just add 4 rules, but I think adding extra rules like that makes the game look cheap (only me that could see that, but still!). Behaviours > Rules!
GameSalad so awesome to use, I love it. But its the little missing things like this that let it down. I can't believe we still don't even have custom collision Data or attach Objects to another. I know theres work arounds, but GameSalad should just be easy to use.
On the behavior itself, no. But if you had an actor on top of the actor that has that display text, you could fade that one in and make it look like the display text is fading out.
Could we please get this added to future builds please? Give us Expression control of Colours within the Text Behaviour??
@dimsdale I was actually creating a game where I needed this, and I took for granted that it was there, so I created a table with all of the colors and had it all ready when I realized there were no such feature. Fortunately I did only need 4 colors so I could just add 4 rules, but I think adding extra rules like that makes the game look cheap (only me that could see that, but still!). Behaviours > Rules!
GameSalad so awesome to use, I love it. But its the little missing things like this that let it down. I can't believe we still don't even have custom collision Data or attach Objects to another. I know theres work arounds, but GameSalad should just be easy to use.