Cheeky to ask but can anyone merge 2 projects on their mac please?
Member Posts: 1,584
If you drop me a message, I have two templates I would like to merge into one and I can't do it on Windows , unless someone knows a way
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What exactly do you mean?
on mac you can get a project merger, but he is on windows. hes asking someone who has a mac could they please help him out and merge two of his projects because he has a windows pc and cant do it.
i would do it for you jiggly but i dont have the merger tool yet. sorry
You might message Dba. I've heard they are working on windows tools
I BELIEVE even if someone merged them on the mac for you...mac files down go back to winblows...i aint one to spread you dint hear nuttin from me....
DBA. Deep Blue Apps are the gurus on that stuff.
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