Game broken after publishing

protodethprotodeth Member Posts: 6

Hello all,
First of so you all know, I'm using the windows version.
I'm currently making a video game in gamesalad for a college project, the deadline is this week and I recently first published sometime last week, when I play the game in the preview it works perfectly, well it's playable, maybe a few bugs here and there but the game is playable. But once published the game breaks, it's a platformer, the checkpoint system we made is broken and does not work at all, but it does in the preview on the project, there are certain moving platforms that don't let you jump, but again this works in the preview.
Below is a video of me playing the game in the preview, notice how it works

Now try play the game here, test the checkpoint system and try jump while on the turtle, sometimes it works but I have found once you touch an obstacle you can no longer jump until you refresh the page.

Please do help, I need to get an A in order to get into University and I have no idea why this is happening, I've tried porting this over to a Mac but all the graphics seem to get messed up... I could go through fixing the graphics and publish it from there but will that even work? Surely the windows version should work
Thanks for any help


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