Anyone been using iAd workbench
And do you have results you can share? I've just dropped US$100 on my app 'Choccy Duck' for ads this weekend in the US.
Choccy Duck is a paid app (0.99) so will see if $100 pays off.
I'll update you all on Mon/Tues next week.
Just so you all know - I don't realistically expect to get ANY thing back. But always wanted to try iAds and Choccy Duck is my favorite app so far.
I'm just bumping as I'll be interested in the results. Thanks in advance.
Been using it for a couple weeks on my APP Called StarStruck Bird, seems ok, but it depends on the region you're marketing. If its a US campaign its hard to generate downloads unless you spend alot on your CPA budget, like more than $2, which is ridiculous. However you can get downloads in Italy and some places in Europe for about 0.50 cents an acquisition, which isn't bad.
I didn't understand the CPA so I just put 0.10 Maybe I've done my dough.
Basically how much you are willing to pay for Acquisition, how much it will cost you to have someone download your game. You're basically competing with other advertisers, whoever puts in the highest bid, gets the exposure.
Unfortunately in the U.S its extremely competitive, so you'll need to have a really high CPA, which sucks if your game is free, because realistically you're not going to get much out of it.
Yea CPA was a little confusing, and I didn't garner many downloads with roughly same budget and being free.
You can also try Facebook promo page for an App that helps build an audience thru likes on FB page and App installs. I think it can be more specific as to the audience too , like only mobile gamers, ios users, android, etc.
But it'll probably have roughly same results. Best thing to do IMO is get your app to optimal quality and hope you can get a couple bigger media outlets to cover it.
Thanks @touchimedia for your comments and suggestions. But to nip this in the bud, can we please keep this on topic. There are plenty of threads about general ways to promote. I don't want this one doing that. Just iAds please.
I wonder if I can change my CPA (edit the line) before it goes live. Will have a look now.
Yep can edit it OK. Here are the settings I'm going in with.

OK here are the results of my campaign. It had a lot of exposure but I don't think I'll be doing it again any time soon. Would love to see others posted here if you don't mind sharing.