How to make an iOS game for different display sizes and resolutions?
I have recently started making a game for the iPhone. It needs to have different images for the retina and non-retina displays, as well as different sized retina display images for the iPhone 4 and 5.
I have run my game on my iPhone 4 using the game salad viewer, and part of the image is too far to the left - basically part of it is cut off, because the image is for the 5 but its running on a 4. Plus, I have the scene set to only be horizontal right and horizontal left, yet when I first run it it's on portrait view.
Sorry if this post isn't particularly well organised, but my questions are basically as follows:
-How do you make your game compatible with all the different iPhone displays?
-Does the gamesalad viewer portray your game exactly as how it will be when published and submitted to the app store, or are there a few issues with it that aren't exactly as the final product would be?
I'm new at this myself, and not familiar with GS viewer so I can't answer your second question. However about your first question, universal binaries appear to be popular.
These threads speak on it:
I'm not sure if you need non-retina images, since as far as I know retina displays were introduced with the iPhone 4 and all iPhone models since have an equal pixels per inch count.
Hope this helped.