FPS drop from 60 to 30 when I add large actor?
Member Posts: 121
hey guys.
I commented about this in my last discussion post, but i felt as though it should be in a separate discussion. So i have an iPad project that needs a 768x1024 background adding. the project runs at 60fps in gsviewer. but when i add the image, it just drops to 30fps. i though maybe it had to do with the whole 'images need to be 4, 8, 16, 32, 64' thing, so i changed it to 1024x1024, but that did nothing, still at 30fps. also tried unchecking 'movable' and 'preload art'. that didn't do anything either. cant think of what to do here, and how other people keep their projects at 60fps. would appreciate any help here. thanks
ok update on this. its not image size that is the problem, but i think it is the actor. i was running 60 fps, then i added a blank white actor (around 512x512) and the fps dropped to around 35. again i tried with movable & preload art ticked and unticked, no difference. anybody know why this is happening and how i can remedy this? cheers
You've told us nothing about the project, nothing about the rules, nothing about the behaviours being used, not even anything about the machine you are running this on, whether this is the PC version or the Mac version, maybe you are using the RC on an iMac with 12 constrain behaviours on the background actor or maybe you are on a 8 year old underpowered laptop, maybe you are using Version 9.0.1 on a PC and the actor is tracking 4 attributes and accelerating downwards at speed 800 while the accelerometer is controlling its X position ? . . . and so on.
So it's going to be pretty much impossible for anyone to offer a solution - beyond some (hopefully educated) guesses.
Maybe the image isn't 768x1024 pixels ? Maybe you've accidentally made it 768cm x 1024cm @ 72ppi ? Actually that's not going to be the answer as GS would warn you that your image is too big, but that's about the extent of the kinds of guesses you should expect (well from me at least ! ).
I hope you sort it out, but you're going to need to throw a few more clues out there.
hey, thanks for responding. just did a quick test and started a brand new project. the first thing i did was make it an iPad project (thats what my main project is) and added a plain white actor, no behaviours, no physics, nothing. made it 768x1024 and dragged it on. launched gsviewer, got 30 fps. then i changed the actor 128x128. got 60fps. made it 256x256. got 60 fps. changed it to 512x512. sometimes got 45 fps, sometimes 20 fps, which was really weird. then back to 1024x1024, got 30fps again. I'm running all of this on a 2009 iMac if that helps. sorry if i was vague before, really haven't got a clue about any of this technical stuff cheers. i should also add that the actor on my main project that I'm having the problem with is the same; no behaviours or anything on it, just a new plain white actor.