How many levels

Ok then here is a question for you all.
How many levels do you think is a good amount for a 99c game???
Let's say for both a platform or shoot em up and a simple puzzle style game
How many levels do you think is a good amount for a 99c game???
Let's say for both a platform or shoot em up and a simple puzzle style game
I've seen some great shooters at MORE than 99 cents with just six levels in them!
It really depends on how you present them, and how long the levels last. If there's enough difference between them all, enough variety in there, then less is more. Personally, I look at games with 100+ levels in them and think 'what a chore! I have to get through all those???'
(No offence to those who do like those games, and indeed make them. Maybe I'm just a lazy gamer?)
Edit: Additionally, you may want to consider what would make a player play your game again. Usually it's to beat their high score. Or best time.
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
if you have only 10 levels on your game, but they are fun and have a good replay value, you are much better off then with 20 levels that are not that great, and the player will only play through once.
you shouldn't be worried about numbers. you need to think "for how long will this game be played?"
It won't run on your 3G though nulo
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
I have a iPod 3G, not iPhone
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
Oh and if your game is for iPhone... keep in mind that people don't tend to play for hour upon hour... the casual game is king on this format. 3-4 hours combined gameplay will be ample.